Interpretation + Estimation
Feb 28, 2024
Interpret and inference for multilevel model coefficients
Calculate and interpret intraclass correlation coefficient
Maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation approaches
General process for fitting and comparing multilevel models
Today’s data come from the study by Sadler and Miller (2010) of the emotional state of musicians before performances. The data set contains information collected from 37 undergraduate music majors who completed the Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), an instrument produces a measure of anxiety (negative affect) and a measure of happiness (positive affect). This analysis will focus on negative affect as a measure of performance anxiety.
The primary variables we’ll use are
: unique musician identification numberna
: negative affect score on PANAS (the response variable)perform_type
: type of performance (Solo, Large Ensemble, Small Ensemble)instrument
: type of instrument (Voice, Orchestral, Piano)na ~ orchestra + large_ensemble + orchestra:large_ensemble
: Represents the fixed effects
: Represents the error terms and associated variance components
for models with random intercepts and all other effects fixed.effect | group | term | estimate | std.error | statistic |
fixed | NA | (Intercept) | 15.930 | 0.641 | 24.833 |
fixed | NA | orchestra1 | 1.693 | 0.945 | 1.791 |
fixed | NA | large_ensemble1 | -0.911 | 0.845 | -1.077 |
fixed | NA | orchestra1:large_ensemble1 | -1.424 | 1.099 | -1.295 |
ran_pars | id | sd__(Intercept) | 2.378 | NA | NA |
ran_pars | id | cor__(Intercept).large_ensemble1 | -0.635 | NA | NA |
ran_pars | id | sd__large_ensemble1 | 0.672 | NA | NA |
ran_pars | Residual | sd__Observation | 4.670 | NA | NA |
Select the best interpretation for orchestra1:large_ensemble1
For students who play an orchestral instrument, the mean performance anxiety is expected to be 1.424 points lower for large ensemble performances compared to solo and small ensembles.
The mean decrease in performance anxiety from large ensemble performances versus solos or small ensembles is expected to be 1.424 points greater for students who play orchestral instruments than the expected decrease for soloists and pianists.
The mean performance anxiety for students who play orchestral instruments in large ensembles is expected to be -1.424 points.
Select the best interpretation for sd__(Intercept)
The estimated standard deviation of performance anxiety score for students playing in solos and small ensembles is 2.378 points.
The estimated standard deviation of performance anxiety score for vocalists and pianists is 2.378 points.
The estimated standard deviation of performance anxiety score for students playing in solos and small ensemble is 2.378, after adjusting for instrument.
Notice the R model output has test statistic but no p-values for each coefficient
We can generally conclude coefficients with test statistic with absolute value greater than 2 are statistically significant
Some software will produce p-values by making several assumptions, large sample results , or approximate p-values
We will introduce a parametric bootstrap approach in the next chapter.
The unconditional means model (also known as random intercepts model) is the multilevel model with no predictors at either level
These models are used to estimate between and within group variability
Level One:
Level Two:
The intraclass correlation coefficient
In this analysis,
About 18.2% of the variability in performance anxiety can be explained by musician to musician differences
The correlation of performance anxiety scores within a musician is 0.182
Which of the following values indicates the individual observations are essentially independent?
Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Restricted (Residual) Maximum Likelihood (REML) are the two most common methods for estimating the fixed effects and variance components
Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Issue: Fixed effects are treated as known values when estimating variance components
Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)
Note: These differences are small when
Research has not determined one method absolutely superior to the other
; default in lmer
) is preferable when
) must be used if you want to compare nested fixed effects models using a likelihood ratio test (e.g., a drop-in-deviance test).
In most cases, there is little difference between the results from ML and REML
Term | Estimate | SE | Estimate | SE |
(Intercept) | 15.924 | 0.623 | 15.930 | 0.641 |
orchestra1 | 1.696 | 0.919 | 1.693 | 0.945 |
large_ensemble1 | -0.895 | 0.827 | -0.911 | 0.845 |
orchestra1:large_ensemble1 | -1.438 | 1.074 | -1.424 | 1.099 |
sd__(Intercept) | 2.286 | NA | 2.378 | NA |
cor__(Intercept).large_ensemble1 | -1.000 | NA | -0.635 | NA |
sd__large_ensemble1 | 0.385 | NA | 0.672 | NA |
sd__Observation | 4.665 | NA | 4.670 | NA |
Conduct exploratory data analysis for Level One and Level Two variables
Fit model with no covariates to assess variability at each level
Create Level One models. Start with a single term, then add terms as needed.
Create Level Two models. Start with a single term, then add terms as needed. Start with equation for intercept term.
Begin with the full set of variance components, then remove covariance and variance terms as needed.
Alternate model building strategies in BMLR Section 8.6
On pg. 283 - 284 of Sadler and Miller (2010), the authors describe their model building process. Try to pick out the steps of the model building process.
Click here to access the paper in Canvas.